Misunderstanding and Misunderestimating George Bush

Here those liberals go again calling our president a liar. He is not a liar. What’s more. whoever calls him one, he told a British reporter, slanders America. Talking slander deflects attention away from the issue at hand. Slander is one thing, lying is something else. And this is all about whether or not we caught the president red handed, or, more precisely, in a bald-faced lie.

It surely seems like it. Recall not so very long ago President Bush said right out loud for everyone to hear that the United States had no intention of establishing permanent military bases in Iraq and anyone who even suggested something like that was, well, slandering America. And then, it was revealed just last week, in the negotiations with what many of us believed, erroneously as it turns out, was the puppet government in Iraq, that the puppets were balking on allowing the United States to establish more than FIFTY permanent military bases in Iraq, that's right, FIFTY, count them, bases,.

This is one time we got him. He can’t get away with saying he wasn’t lying, he was just the victim of flawed intelligence. Nor can he say that he was given authority to do it by the Congress because these negotiations were done in secret and Congress was not in the know. So, this time we got him dead to rights.

Well as it turns out, as always with this president, things were not as they seem.. He was not lying. He simply was misunderstood. It was not a “gotcha” thing. It was a spelling thing. When he said what he said he did not mean bases, he meant basis.

It is abundantly clear that we have no permanent basis for being in Iraq. Lets review. Our original basis for going to war was because Iraq represented a clear and present danger in the form of WMDs, yep, those elusive Weapons of Mass Destruction. Not only did they have them, they were about to use them on us. And so we rushed into Iraq before the weapons inspectors could find out that there were none there. Although to be fair, the lack of WMDs is not yet completely established in some minds. There are those, some in very high places, who believe Iraq has them and someday they will be found and when that happens it will embarrass the hell out of the liberals and the other unpatriotic naysayers who may still be alive. To be sure, there may still be some WMDs way off in that corner of Iraq where nobody goes. But as Yogi Berra has taken the pains to explain we are not likely to find out, nor is it likely that they could be used because nobody goes there. Kind of like Yankee Stadium. So, for the most part even the administration allows that WMD basis failed to meet the standard of permanence,

No problem, we found another basis, Iraq was in cahoots with Bin laden. We had uncountervertable evidence that a close buddy of Bin laden. (or someone who looked like him) was seen in Iraq talking with someone close to Saddam Hussein (or someone who looked like him) And if you want to quibble and point out that there is no such word as uncountervertable all I can say is that the evidence tying Bin ladin to Saddam was no good either, So much for collusion with Bin laden being a permanent basis

Ah now, according to my good friend Dr Pangloss, comes the best of all possible basis, we went into Iraq to establish democracy. And, because of us and our benevolence Iraq held elections with multiple parties participating in which people voted the way their religious leaders told them to vote, Exactly like president Bush would like our democracy to work. Forget that women lost the rights they had before there was a democracy. However, this does get a little sticky. We screwed up. We established some benchmarks that Iraq had to meet before democracy could be the basis. Establishing benchmarks is always a risky business, and even with those great elections, not only have the benchmarks not been met, but the Iraqis managed to acquire a penchant they didn’t appear to have in the days before they had a democracy and began to kill the very neighbors they used to have over for parties. Because they did this all over the place democracy doesn’t make it as a permanent basis.

And that brings us to oil. I have a sneaky suspicion that oil was lurking around as a basis all the while. However since oil is a non-replenishable resource, which means that some time in the future the wells will run dry, oil does not qualify as a permanent basis. If we are to remain there for, lets say, a hundred years, it will have to be on some other basis.

So you see, my friends, our president didn’t lie. He was just misunderstood and therefore misunderestimated.


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