The President Holds a Press Conference
On July 15, 2008 The President held a press conference. That in itself is newsworthy. The last one he held was on April 29. This one was much like the last one. He entered the arena with characteristic swagger and was jolly as jolly can be. As soon as he started talking it is clear he has spent the interim on some far off planet.. He apparently prides himself on a disconnection to reality. Way back in February he was asked what advice would he give to people facing the prospect of $4 gallon gasoline. His response, “Wait a minute. What did you just say? You’re predicting $4 a gallon gas?” and when told that’s what people in the know were saying, he revealed. “That’s interesting. I hadn’t heard that.” Fast forward to the July press conference, when reminded of his earlier statement, he briskly cut off the reporter with ”I’m aware of it now” as if that exculpated him. I do believe that while we have drastically lowered our expectations and our standards to a point where all we want in ...