
Showing posts from May, 2017

Art Pearl Against the World, The Mess We Are In. Part 3 In 3 sub parts

Art Pearl Against the World,  The Mess We Are In. Part 3  In 3 sub parts this one 3b Why liberal economics that did so well from WWII to 1970s won’t work today These problems are: 1.       high unemployment, high underemployment, too many of the existing jobs are part time and low        pay 2.       “outsourcing,” shipping of high wage, good benefits jobs to areas where wages are very low         and neither environmental nor worker safety measures exist 3.       The impact of technology -  machines replacing human workers 4.       Widespread inequity wage income and wealth -- the rich get richer, everyone else become poorer The boom days are over no longer is wealth distributed to all segments of society, more and more of  wealth is concentrated in the upper one percent One reason, unions lost th...

Art Pearl Against the World, The Mess We Are In. Part 2: Can conservative economic policies cure our economic problems?

These problems are: High unemployment, high underemployment, too many of the existing jobs are part time and low pay. The deep recession wiped out primarily high-wage and middle-wage jobs. Yet the strongest employment growth during the sluggish recovery has been in low-wage work, at places like strip malls    and fast-food restaurants. “Outsourcing,” shipping of high wage, good benefits jobs to areas where wages are very low and neither environmental nor worker safety measures exist. "Steve Jobs real name was: Steve Jobs in China. Apple, whose founder was Jobs, employs 550,000 workers, 500,000 work in China." (Art Pearl, speech, Victoria University, Melboure, Australia, April 2012). 3.       The impact of technology - machines replacing human workers Many people fear a jobless future — and their anxiety is not unwarranted: Gartner, an information technology research and advisory firm, predicts that one-third o...