Art Pearl Against the World 5: The solution to the world problems is democracy and only democracy
Ar t Pearl Against the World 5 The solution to the world problems is democracy and only democracy Monarchy is like a splendid ship, with all sails set; it moves majestically on, then it hits a rock and sinks forever. Democracy is like a raft. it never sinks, but, damn it, your feet are always in the water. Fisher Ames (1758-1808) Democracy is defined by the following understandings and principles. The essence of democracy is creativity. We have not yet tried democracy. Party or "interests" govern us with some fiction of the "consent of the governed" which we say means democracy. We have not even a conception of what democracy means. That conception is yet to be forged out of the crude ore of life. Mary Parker The New State: Group Organization the Solution of popular Government 1923. ed) p.3 1. Vision. Where there is no vision the people perish ...